We invite you to view these testimonials from real women who were balding or losing their hair and did something about it. These clients have seen the dramatic results of hair restoration and replacement first-hand and no longer worry about thinning hair and hair loss, and how it impacts their daily lives. Click on each photo to enlarge.


Our clients are people just like you: women suffering from hair loss and thinning hair, as well as all the related problems and issues that accompany hair loss. We are always gratified when we receive letters and emails such as these from our clients who share with us their feelings of renewed self-confidence and happiness.

“Losing my hair was very traumatic. I tried perming it, teasing it, coloring it, anything to keep my scalp from showing. It hurts dramatically when you’re going bald. People make fun of you. I cried tears of joy when I got my hair back with Reallusions. I found my new self. I feel good about myself again.”
Fanny (Age 29)
“My scalp would get sun burned easily. Once my friend took a picture of me and I could not believe how thin my hair had gotten. I knew I had to do something about it. With Reallusions I can wear any style, any way I want to: long, short, and color too.”
Julie (Age 38)
“I did not want to go anywhere because people would see my thin hair. I discovered Reallusions and it changed my life.
How refreshing to have such friendly staff delivering all that was promised and more.”
Thank you, thank you for all your help with my five-year-old son Brian. I cannot believe the difference in his behavior at school since he got his hair replacement. This has made such an improvement in his self-esteem.
I must admit I was hesitant about my search for a solution to his hair loss which was caused by his accident. I was fearful that I would not be able to find a suitable solution to Brian’s baldness at such a young age.
As you know, children are cruel. I did not want to risk Brian being in a situation where his hair replacement would come off, especially on the playground. Also, I could not imagine how anyone could match up the fine texture of his hair.
You had the answers to all my questions and erased any doubts I had about hair replacement systems. You furnished us with a wonderful natural-looking, low-maintenance, secure, and incredibly handsome system.
Again, thank you. I hope that we have given you something back by letting you know how genuinely happy you have made us.
Kathy S.
(Brian’s Mother)

Totally Natural Women’s Hair Replacement Solutions

If you are experiencing hair loss and thinning hair, our team at Jernigan’s in Raleigh, North Carolina have decades of experience in hair restoration, hair transplantation, and hair loss treatments.

Discreet, Private Consultation & Services

All of our services are provided with your complete privacy in mind. We provide a discreet, confidential, professional atmosphere which all our patients appreciate, especially those whose work places them in the public eye.

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